the start

For me it is hard to say where my start of photography began. I remember being five and getting pretend spy camera I thought was amazing, and then at ten my mom gave me her old film camera and I was so excited to be able to take my own pictures. After that I had a few digital cameras filled with embarrassing high school photo shoots. Those who went to high school ten years ago know exactly what I am talking about! I've decided to post this picture and say it was a general starting point, although my love for photography goes further back. I had just gotten my first DSLR camera and was ready to get creative and take as many pictures as I could. This was a trip to Virginia I went on with my sister. The beach was foggy and beautiful, perfect for some moody pictures. Since then I've learned so much, and I have invested so much into myself and my gear to be able to express my creativity. I started Astrus Photography because other started telling me they loved my photos too, and I wanted to turn my passion into an income. A huge personal thanks to to all who have encouraged me and pushed me, and an extra thanks to any one here reading this for being a part of my journey and supporting my dream of photography!


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Jessie & Ryan

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