Perfecting Your Wedding Timeline

If your anything like I was when I got married, you may ask what a wedding timeline is, and why is it such a big deal? Trust me friend, IT IS A BIG DEAL! A wedding timeline is basically writing out each event of your wedding day on a time line. Here is an example:

1:30   Getting ready photos 

2:00    First look pictures

2:30   Freshen up/ relax

3:00    Ceremony

3:40    Family pictures 

4:10     Wedding party pictures

5:00     Reception

6:00    Dinner

7:00    First dance & parent dances

7:45    Sunset pictures

8:30   Cake cutting 

9:00     After party 

While this is a super basic timeline, your get the idea! This is the best way to make sure nothing gets missed, and that your wedding day goes smoothly. Planning your wedding day timeline can seem like a daunting task, but with a little organization and forethought, it can be a breeze. Here are some tips to help you plan your wedding day timeline and ensure that your special day runs smoothly.

Plan ahead:

The earlier you start planning your wedding day timeline, the better. This will give you plenty of time to make any necessary changes and ensure that everything runs smoothly on the big day. It also leaves lots of room to add any things you didn't know you wanted, for example first look pictures with the bride and her father. When you give your self time, it leaves you so much room to work with everyone in the wedding party and make the most of your wedding day!

Consult with your wedding planner:

If you have a wedding planner, they will be a valuable resource when it comes to planning your wedding day timeline. They will have experience with timelines and can offer advice on how to make the most of your special day.

Be realistic:

When planning your wedding day timeline, it's important to be realistic about how long each event will take. For example, if you're planning a large wedding with a lot of guests, you may need to allow more time for the ceremony and reception. I'm also going to add make sure you plan in travel time if your ceremony and reception will be in different locations. REALISTIC travel time! All of your guests need to travel from your ceremony to you reception location and if you leave a little extra time here you will ensure that no one misses out, and maybe you will catch a little break, which leads to my next point!

Allow for buffer time:

PLEASE oh please give your self these gaps in your time line! If there is one thing I’ve seen at weddings it’s that something always runs long or starts late! These small spaces of time will do one of two things. 1. Give you a small much needed break (wedding days are pretty exhausting) or the most likely, 2. Make it so that when something on your timeline takes longer than expected or starts late, your whole day isn’t being rushed or running late. Unexpected delays are a fact of life, so it's important to allow for buffer time in your wedding day timeline. This will give you some wiggle room in case something doesn't go according to plan. I’m telling you, be kind to yourself now and schedule little breaks! 


Communicate with your vendors:

Be sure to communicate your wedding day timeline to all of your vendors, including the photographer, videographer, DJ, and caterer. This will ensure that everyone is on the same page and that there are no surprises on the big day.

Have a backup plan:

Even with the best planning, things can still go wrong on your wedding day. It's a good idea to have a backup plan in case of unforeseen circumstances.

By following these tips, you can ensure that your wedding day timeline is well-planned and runs smoothly. With a little organization and forethought, you can relax and enjoy your special day with confidence. It’s your wedding day! You’re going to have the best day, and I hope these tips help you do so!